“And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves growing on the trees, just as things grow in fast movies, I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the summer. “ (F. Scott Fitzgerald)
Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter are the four seasons in the Calendar Year. Sometimes it is challenging to identify a particular season as influences that sometimes cannot be explained interfere with the expectations that we have from a particular season. During the lifetime of each season we observe many changes with regard to length of day light, weather, plant and vegetable growth. Seasons have an impact on the animal population alongside the natural ebb and flow of the various stages in species lives.
Experts in the fields of science(s) endeavour to analysis and seek to understand what may be the underlying causes in the unexpected variances in the seasons. It is by exploring the underlying causes that gives us hope that we may be better informed and prepared for any future unexpected changes that we may experience during a particular season.
As Individuals we experience “seasonal” transitions in our lives i.e. from infancy to adolescents, then journeying into adulthood and on into our mid-life years. The later years of one’s life is often termed as the Autumn years especially after individuals have stopped working.
Whilst journeying through the various seasons in life we may encounter many unexpected and challenging experiences which could have or still is impacting on our health and psychological well-being. So, why not take some time out and give some thought as to how Counselling may be an effective therapy to explore the emotional and psychological difficulties that we may have experienced or are experiencing. As a talking therapy Counselling can stimulate personal development and may change lives along the way.
Individual, Relationship, Marriage & Couples Counselling as a talking therapy works on many issues and please visit Individual Counselling and Relationship Counselling to find out how you may be supported at this time.
If you wish to contact Elizabeth, telephone 083 812 9400 or contact Alpha-Omega Counselling.